Exports to non-EU countries in July 2023: expected decrease of 2.9% on June 2023

Exports to third countries (calendar and seasonally adjusted exports of goods), July 2023
59.0 billion euros
-2.9% on the previous month
+1.1% on the same month a year earlier

Exports to third countries (original values, exports of goods), July 2023
58.2 billion euros
+1.2% on the same month a year earlier

WIESBADEN – On a calendar and seasonally adjusted basis, German exports to countries outside the European Union (third countries) decreased by 2.9% in July 2023 compared with June 2023. According to provisional data of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), Germany exported goods to the value of 59.0 billion euros to these countries in July 2023, after seasonal and calendar adjustment.

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