Exports down by almost 1 percent in July

In July, the total volume of goods exports (adjusted for number of working days) fell by 0.9 percent year on year, as reported by Statistics Netherlands (CBS). The contraction was virtually the same as in the previous month. The decrease in July was mainly seen in exports of metal and chemical products. Exports of machinery and appliances were higher. The volume of goods imports was up by 2.2 percent relative to July 2022.
The CBS Exports Radar indicates that circumstances for exports in September are more unfavourable than in July.

Conditions for exports more unfavourable in September
Every month, CBS also publishes updates on the circumstances for exports in the Exports Radar. Conditions are largely determined by developments on the main export markets for Dutch domestic products and in the competitive position of the Netherlands. Although the Radar indicators show a strong correlation with export activity, improved circumstances are not necessarily translated into increased export growth.

According to the CBS Exports Radar, circumstances for exports in September are more unfavourable than in July. This is mainly because producer confidence in Germany deteriorated and the year-on-year growth in German manufacturing output turned into contraction. Confidence and opinions about foreign orders of European manufacturers also deteriorated.

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