Levan Davitashvili promises new jobs and sustainable economic growth in both traditional and emerging service sectors due to free trade agreements

As the First Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development Levan Davitashvili, said in his speech at the official opening of the China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS), liberalization of trade in services and integration into the global economy are top priorities for Georgia.
Lowering barriers to trade in services will give businesses greater market access and attract more investment in key sectors such as ICT, finance, logistics and tourism. Free trade agreements facilitated this process of liberalization. Current exhibition is one of the largest profile events in the world and a good opportunity for the development of cooperation for both public and private sectors, including comprehensive chapters on services, which allow strengthening cooperation and market opportunities.
The First Vice Prime Minister said that implementing free trade agreements will help create new jobs and achieve sustainable economic growth in both traditional and emerging service sectors.
The importance of cooperation with China in the direction of trade in services, including the “Belt and Road” initiative and the free trade agreement with China in 2017, was also mentioned.
Free trade agreements were also signed between Georgia and the European Union, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), Turkey, Hong Kong, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Levan Davitashvili says that the strategic vision of the Georgian government to become the main hub of trade in the region is represented by these agreements.
Infrastructure, innovation and education get a significant investment from the government to ensure the competitiveness of the country’s economy and readiness for successful participation in the global markets of the future.
The strategic location of Georgia is the in the main focus of Levan Davitashvili’s speech.
He says that the need to diversify supply chains is growing, and the Middle Corridor through Georgia helps achieve this goal by shortening travel times and giving wider access to different regions and markets. Important infrastructure projects in all modes of transport, including the modernization of the East-West highway and railways, are being implemented.
According to Levan Davitashvili, the challenges that are faced require a collaborative work, sharing knowledge and making common decisions that benefit all parts. A perfect platform for this is offered by CIFTIS, and Georgia is proud to be a part of this dynamic exchange.
NH Logistics GEO has been offering IOR Importer of Record and EOR Exporter of Record services since 2001 and is a market leader in Georgia and Eurasia, supporting many clients with their import/export shipments.

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