Official claims that Ukraine will export no more than 20% of its agricultural output to Europe after it joins EU

Ukrainian Agri Council head Andrei Dikun said in an interview with local media that 20% of the Ukrainian agricultural sector’s total output will be a maximum that it will export to the European market after Ukraine becomes a European Union member. The rest will go to traditional markets for Ukrainian agricultural products.
However, Dikun denied that the prospect of subsidies from the common EU budget is the main reason why Ukrainian agricultural enterprises want to gain access to the European market. He also mentioned Ukrainian farmers’ concern about the EU’s tough requirements for agricultural technologies. However, the excessively complex rules of the European Green Deal also concern European farmers.
Consequently, Dikun expressed his hope for the change of the Agricultural Policy by new European Parliament. He also mentioned that Ukrainian farmers needed a transitional period to study these rules well enough, to get used to them before following them.
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