Trade turnover reached USD 8.5 billion in January, with Ukraine’s largest exports going to Poland, Spain and China Trade turnover reached USD 8.5 billion in January, with Ukraine’s largest exports going to Poland, Spain and China

Ukraine’s trade turnover in January 2024 was USD 8.5 billion. This is 7% more than in the same period in 2023.
According to Ukrinform, this was reported by the State Customs Service of Ukraine.

“In January 2024, Ukraine imported goods worth USD 5.1 billion and exported USD 3.4 billion. At the same time, taxed imports amounted to USD 4.5 billion, which is 90% of the total volume of imported goods,” the statement said.

Most of the goods were imported to Ukraine from China – USD 1.1 billion, Poland – USD 568 million and Germany – USD 388 million.

Ukraine exported the most to Poland – by USD 334 million, Spain – by USD 322 million, and China – by USD 305 million.

In January 2024, Ukraine exported the most machinery, equipment and transport – by USD 1.9 billion, chemical products – by USD 868 million, and food products – by USD 659 million.

The top three most exported goods from Ukraine were food products (USD 2.2bn), metals and metal products (USD 362m) and mineral products (USD 312m).

During the customs clearance of exports of goods subject to export duties, the budget paid UAH 23.7 million.

As reported, Ukraine’s trade turnover in January-December 2023 amounted to USD 99.4 billion.

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