Somalia, Serbia discuss on bolstering cooperation

Somalia’s ambassador to Serbia, Mohamed Abdullahi Ahmed, has on Friday held talks with Serbian Minister of Reconciliation, Regional Cooperation, and Social Stability, Usame Zukorlić, in the capital city of Belgrade.

During the meeting, Amb. Ahmed and Zukorlić discussed on wide range of issues, including on ways to boost the close cooperation between Somalia and Serbia, based on mutual interests and historical friendship

Mr. Zukorlić expressed his admiration for the progress made by the Federal Government of Somalia, regarding its efforts to rebuilding the country, foreign policy and international relations with the rest of the world.

“I am happy to see Somalia’s revival and its determination towards a more peaceful and stable nation. And I woud like to visit Somalia someday”, Minister Zukorlić said.

Having wished Zukorlić success in his country’s work, Ambassador Ahmed emphasized that his country gives a great importance to good relations and cooperation with international partners, while observing international rules.

The Ambassador also promised to further develop Somalia’s relation with Serbia, especially in the field of bilateral interests such as trade, education, military training and diplomacy.

At the end of the meeting, both sides expressed confidence in the further successful development of Somali-and Serbian relations based on mutual goodwill and mutual understanding.

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