China increased import of Moldovan agricultural products

An increase was noted in the value of foreign trade in agricultural products from the Republic of Moldova to the People’s Republic of China. The conclusion was reached by the Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry Vladimir Bolea and Ambassador of China to Chisinau Yan Wenbin at yesterday’s meeting.
Strengthening of economic relations between the states, promoting the export of agricultural products to the Chinese market and analyzing administrative and logistical impediments for the delivery of batches of fresh fruits and vegetables were the main topics of the discussion.
According to Yan Wenbin, Chinese markets are kept open for Moldovan agricultural products. Special interest is marked in cherries, sour cherries, grape seeds, nuts, oil, sawdust, apples, wine, cereals etc. Domestic producers should show more initiative to obtain the importer’s license, which is a key moment for accelerating exports. The contribution to the dissemination of Chinese experience regarding technological innovations in the irrigation and soil processing sector will also be made.
In response, Vladimir Bolea underlined the crucial importance of the Chinese market for further exploitation, taking into account Moldovan wine products promotion through the National Vine and Wine Office. According to him, Moldova is grateful to China for the support of the country’s approach to boost exports of agri-food products on this market.
Statistics show that 3.6% of the total Moldovan alcoholic production in 2021 was imported by the People’s Republic of China (about 9.3 billion US dollars). The export of strong alcoholic beverages increased in 2021 by about 60% compared to 2020 (by about 32% in value).

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