Statistics Committee names Uzbekistan’s major trade partners

Russia and China are still the major foreign trade partners of Uzbekistan.

The State Statistics Committee has provided data on the top foreign trade partners of Uzbekistan for January-July 2022.

According to the committee, during the reporting period, the following countries had the highest share in Uzbekistan’s exports:

– Russia – $1.53 billion
– China – $1.50 billion
– Turkey – $1.02 billion
– Kazakhstan – $757 million
– Kyrgyz R. – $529 million
– Afghanistan – $415 million
– Tajikistan – $257 million
– Turkmenistan – $133 million
– Canada – $105 million
– Iran – $100 million

Countries with the highest share in Uzbekistan’s imports:

– China – $3.7 billion
– Russia – $3.3 billion
– Kazakhstan – $1.7 billion
– Korea R. – $1.4 billion
– Turkey – $965 million
– Germany – $589 million
– India – $359 million
– Turkmenistan – $353 million
– Brazil – $281 million
– USA – $236 million

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