Local products are being squeezed out of Ukrainian market by imported cheese

According to Ukrainian media, a highly probable increase in imports caused by the disparity of prices for Ukrainian and European products may deprive Ukrainian cheesemakers of a substantial part of the domestic market.
The problem can be solved by lowering prices for Ukrainian cheese or a substantial devaluation of the hryvnia. The second way seems to be more realistic.
Overall, in 2024, imports of rennet cheeses grew up by 11% to 29,000 tonnes. An increase by 14% year-on-year to 4,600 tonnes was shown by purchases of processed cheeses in 2024 (a 25 percent decrease compared to 2021).
Simultaneously, the export of semi-hard cheeses increased by 9% to almost 7,000 tonnes in 2024. Exports of processed cheeses (together with the curd product) equaled to 4,200 tonnes ( a decreased by 4%).
The agency said that local cheesemakers need to prevent imports from becoming as significant as they were in 2021, when a large number of consumers maintained balance. Now it is simply impossible to compete with European goods by price in foreign or post-Soviet markets.

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