Georgia introduces national maritime single window system

Marine vessels entering Georgian ports will receive online services through a “single window” starting October 1, the country’s Maritime Transport Agency reported.

“The application of the single window principle resulted in the creation of an integrated system. All government and private agencies whose permission is needed for vessels to enter port are participating in the project. As of today, a ship’s administration will be able to upload the appropriate documentation into the integrated system and will no longer have to apply to all agencies separately. This will save the shipper both time and money,” the agency said.

The introduction of the new system will reduce the delay time in port to 90 minutes for container ships and to four hours for other types of vessels, the agency said. It will also accelerate servicing of vessels in port, which will significantly reduce shipping companies’ costs.

Georgia began to gradually roll out the maritime single window system at its ports in May 2023. The online analogs of port processes were developed taking into account the requirements and expectations of stakeholders.

“The introduction of this system will conclude the process of introducing European rules in Georgia’s maritime sector […] with the aim of eliminating obstacles and barriers for international shipping, simplifying procedures and bringing them in line with international standards,” the agency said.

The project was carried out with financial support from international donors.

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