Export of Serbian products to Italy ten times lower than import

Italian companies in Serbia employ about 50,000 people, and Italy is the third most important external trade partner of Serbia.

The trade between the two countries has been growing in the first seven months of this year and its value reached 2.74 billion euros. However, the Serbian agricultural and food sector exports to Italy 10 times less than it imports while Italy usually exports wine, cheese and pasta to Serbia.

As many as 30 Italian companies from the food industry and wine sector from all Italian regions came to Serbia to present their best olive oils, biscuits, and pasta, made exclusively from domestic ingredients. The Italian Ambassador to Serbia, Luca Gori, points out that the wine and gastronomic sector is very important for cooperation between Serbia and Italy.

“This sector continues to develop. In the past period, we noted a 36 percent increase. We are talking about 40 million euros worth of goods exchanged between Serbia and Italy in this sector. The Embassy of Italy in Belgrade has many initiatives regarding this cooperation,” says Ambassador Gori.

Antonio Ventresca from the Italian Trade Agency points out that the Italians are very interested in cooperation with Serbia.

“We are trying to eliminate difficulties, achieve easier cooperation and penetration into the Serbian market. We don’t want to help importers only, but to influence the price policy as well,” points out Vantresca.

Italian wines on the top of the world

Italian wines are among the top wines in the world, and they are produced from grapes from vineyards in Tuscany, Abruzzo, Veneto, and Sicily. Italy has over 500 grape varieties.

In the Abruzzo region, Nicola Altieri from the Fontefico Company, produces only wines from autochthonous varieties – Pecorino, Trebbiano and Montepulciano.

“We make excellent rosé wines from Pecorino – our Fossimato. It is one of the 50 best wines in Italy,” Altieri points out.

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