Uzbekistan exported $34.4 million worth of persimmon over a year

In 2021, Uzbekistan exported 75.2 thousand tons of persimmon to 12 countries for $34.4 million.

According to the State Statistics Committee, persimmon exports decreased by 22.2 thousand tons compared to 2020.

Over the year, the republic exported persimmon mainly to the following countries:

  • Kazakhstan – 38.2 thousand tons
  • Russia – 30.2 thousand tons
  • Turkmenistan – 3.3 thousand tons
  • Kyrgyzstan – 2.1 thousand tons
  • Ukraine – 892 tons
  • Belarus – 620 tons

Provinces that exported the most persimmon in 2021:

  • Fergana region – 23.6 thousand tons
  • Surkhandarya region – 19.2 thousand tons
  • Tashkent region – 7.7 thousand tons
  • Kashkadarya region – 4.2 thousand tons
  • Navoi region – 4.2 thousand tons
  • Namangan region – 4.1 thousand tons
  • Samarkand region – 3.8 thousand tons
  • Khorezm region – 3.2 thousand tons
  • Tashkent city – 1.9 thousand tons
  • Andijan region – 1.2 thousand tons
  • Syrdarya region – 704 tons
  • Bukhara region – 557 tons
  • Karakalpakistan R. – 420 tons
  • Jizzakh region – 365 tons
