Netherlands: economic outlook more positive

The CBS Business Cycle Tracer has declared the improvement of the economic situation in January.Despite rises and falls, the situation is stable, with 10 out of 13 indicators showing performances above their long – term trend.
Thirteen key macroeconomic indictors are used by the CBS Business Cycle Tracer to monitor the economic situation in Holland. Macroeconomic picture, presented by this tool, is rather coherent, but can’t be applied equally in all cases.
Among negative factors, deteriorated consumer and producer confidence
can be cited.

In November services became the main thing that consumers spent their money on.
That month the total amount of export has shown a growth by 8.7 %. It was especially seen on the example of chemical, metal products and transport equipment. Compared to November 2019, the increase was by 10.2 %.

In November 2021, investments in tangible fixed assets increased by 1.9 %. Especially high were investments in dwellings and buildings, while investments in passengers cars and infrastructure were lower. Investments fell by over 1% compared to November 2019.

The Dutch manufacturing industry generated more average daily output by 10.6% than in November 2021.
The quantity of bankruptcies reached its historically low level in December (30 fewer cases). The expence of owner – occupied dwellings rose up by 20.4 % compared to the last year. Employers worked 3.5 billion hours more in Q3 2021 (1.8% more than in Q2 2021). Unemployment decreased to 369 thousand in the period from October to December.

Open vacancies showed a growth by 45 thousand at the end of September.
The turnover at temporary employment agencies increased by 2.8 percent compared to the previous quarter.
Gross Domestic Product rose by 2.1 % in Q3 2021 compared to Q2 2021, because of the rise of household and public
